Black and White

In Black and White for the pc, you play as a god and control peasants, and your creature. the peasents are people that build your empire, though you don't have direct control over them, you can still tell them what to do. For example, you can pick up a villager and place him next to something that needs to be built and the villager will become a "desciple builder". you can do the same to make foresters, breeders, and fishers.
Your creature is another story. you have the choice between a tiger, cow, and a ape. the ape isn't a real good fighter but he learns very fast. a cow is a strong fighter but pretty dumb and a tiger is a bit of both. I prefer the tiger because they're easier to feed, all you have to do is hand them a villager or cow and they'll eat it, if they're hungry.
You can also do certain things to become good or evil. if you want to be evil, you have to act like it! There is a quest where a girl wants you to find her brother who has become lost and she will give you an item essential to completing a bigger quest, and yes the quests often overlap. well, what I did to become evil, i took a giant rock, smashed her house (whitch gave me the item) then found and killed her brother. and if your going *gasp*! ITS JUST A GAME PEOPLE! but if you wanted to be good all you had to do was find her brother and return him. another way to be evil or good is to go to your village, pick up a villager and chuck as far as you can. this of course is how to be evil, but if you want to be good do nice things like cast water miracles on the crops to make them grow, or cast wood miracle into the village store.
When i said the word 'miracle' you were probably wondering, "whats that?" well, a miracle is a "spell" you can cast and even teach your creature (if he has the rope leash on). using miracles like the heal miracle of the food miracle is to nice for me. i prefer the lightning bolt miracle or the fireball miracle, whitch are both good at setting things on fire. a really annoying thing is when you kill villagers and your good concience is all,"don't, ju-just don't!" and gets all whiney.
Overall i love this game. its one of the best i've ever played, besides EQ2 of course.
I can't wait to get Black and White 2 and i reccommend you do too.
5 out of 5
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