Tuesday, January 17, 2006

James Bond: From Russia with Love

James Bond: From Russia with Love is another third person Bond game, The first one being Everything or Nothing. Only this time around it isn’t Pierce Brosnan as Bond… Its Sean Connery!
Besides that this game is very innovative… There is a very fun new targeting system that you get by pressing L1 (to lock on) and Square, and then a target will form around there heart area and you can blast that area for “Bond Points” and, if the bad guy is toting a grenade, a targeting reticule will appear around the grenade and if you shoot that while in front of them the grenade will fall off and blow up! This move is very helpful since the targeting system “Bond Mode” is unlimited and if you shoot the grenade it can often take more than one with it. Oh another thing… If you shoot the grenade area while behind the bad guy, its almost and instant kill! One more shot brings them crashing down.
Some of the vehicles are very fun as well. For example, I’m only on the fourth level and I already piloted a jetpack and drove a flashy car equipped with missles.
The gadgets and weapons are also easily equipped, by pressing any one of the directional buttons and simply choosing it. You will also recognize some of the gadgets like the laser watch and rappel. And now… I’m not sure if you could do this before, you can kill enemies with the laser watch!
I oh so highly recommend this game for so many reasons. Buy it…. Right away.


Blogger Link said...

sounds like a great game dan. or at least your writing makes it seem like one of the coolest games ever. keep it up.

9:22 PM

Blogger Danny Kondzela said...

well it is one of the coolest games ever,well bonds anyway. and it isn't a walk in the park either.

12:22 PM

Blogger nothingyet said...

definetely will have to get. Sound really fun.

4:05 PM


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