Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dawn of WAR

Okay, this is the newest game in my stash and it rocks. Basically it's an all out war game, just RTS.
It's a game that i like, massive armys, bigger battles.
And with a name like Dawn of War you would think guns guns guns. Well, you think wrong. There is practically as much of an emphasis on swords and hammers as there is on guns!
Also, the weapon varietyis AMAZING! Ranging from power swords (for lieutenants and leaders) to flamethrowers, plasma rifles, rocket launchers and bolters for the regular troops. My sources tell me that adding "Flamers" or "Heavy Bolters" as upgrades for your troops. I just think of it as even more weapons. Though one of my favorite things to do is make an entire squad of Flamers and an entire sqaud of heavy bolters and just send them everywhere together ripping enemies apart like paper. Madness.
And you thought it would stop there! there are also four different races too choose from Space marines, Chaos space marines, Eldars, and Orks. and every one of them plays differently. Space marines excel at shooting down enemies from afar, Chaos space marines summon demons to aid them, Eldars, though fragile, have insane numbers, and Orks just dash in shooting anything ahead, and when in range chop the opposition to pieces with there axes.
This is one of the best RTS's I ever played. Try it out.


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9:24 PM


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